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New York State Board Exam Washington USA Logo

All the Tips

I'm Valerie Tchikhiaeva BSc Hons, MSc Law, BPTC PGDip, Esq. New York Attorney-at-Law

  • Within 2 years prior or 2 years after the NY Board Exam, you must complete 50 hours of pro-bono work - this is signed off (e.g. by a Solicitor or Citizens Advice Burea manager) on a letterhead and submitted indirectly to the NY Board.


  • There is a skills competency: fulfilled by your LLB law results (JD).


  • Everyone globally can only apply to do the Bar from 1 March - 31 March of the year they are sitting the exam.


  • You must create a BOLE account ((The New York State) Board of Law Examiners).


  • If you sit the Exam in July 2024, you will receive your Results in October 2024. (You can take flights into the state just the exams and study remotely)


  • You must sit the 2 day exams in state in New York.


  • If you study the New York or California Bar at University of Law, London (online), you will receive 2 contact tutors.


  • You will need a US phone number upon signing up on BOLE - you can bypass this by typing in (000) 000 000.


  • The NY Bar pass rate is 80%.


  • Upon completion of the Bar, you get a License to Practice NY's state law.Your title upon completing the Bar with be Attorney-of-Law Esq.


  • You do not have to do any further training (i.e. Pupillage or Training Contract), you will be set to set up a law firm upon successful completion of the Bar exams (subject to Malpractice Insurance).


  • Passing the Bar is not an automatic right to a US work visa.


  • Upon having a License to Practice NY's state law, you can simply apply and pay a fee to register as an Attorney member of that state for $200-500.

Important Dates:
(July - November beginners)

Phase 1:
November - March

Apply to Ba
r (always):
1 March - 31 March

Phase 2:
March - Bar Exam (July)


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Studying NY Bar

About Me

Valerie Barrister Wig Bar Exam

I'm Valerie BSc Hons, MSc Law, BPTC PGDip, Esq. New York Attorney-at-Law.

I'm currently a UK Barrister (LLB, MScLaw, BPTC) and now studying to be a US New York Attorney-at-Law.

I've been a student and a Government Paralegal.

I hope this blog helps you pass the New York Bar as it did for me.

Happy to answer any queries via the contact page.

 Est 2023 by Studying NY Bar©.

Helping UK lawyers pass the New York Bar.

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