All the Tips
I'm Valerie Tchikhiaeva BSc Hons, MSc Law, BPTC PGDip, Esq. New York Attorney-at-Law
Within 2 years prior or 2 years after the NY Board Exam, you must complete 50 hours of pro-bono work - this is signed off (e.g. by a Solicitor or Citizens Advice Burea manager) on a letterhead and submitted indirectly to the NY Board.
There is a skills competency: fulfilled by your LLB law results (JD).
Everyone globally can only apply to do the Bar from 1 March - 31 March of the year they are sitting the exam.
You must create a BOLE account ((The New York State) Board of Law Examiners).
If you sit the Exam in July 2024, you will receive your Results in October 2024. (You can take flights into the state just the exams and study remotely)
You must sit the 2 day exams in state in New York.
If you study the New York or California Bar at University of Law, London (online), you will receive 2 contact tutors.
You will need a US phone number upon signing up on BOLE - you can bypass this by typing in (000) 000 000.
The NY Bar pass rate is 80%.
Upon completion of the Bar, you get a License to Practice NY's state law.Your title upon completing the Bar with be Attorney-of-Law Esq.
You do not have to do any further training (i.e. Pupillage or Training Contract), you will be set to set up a law firm upon successful completion of the Bar exams (subject to Malpractice Insurance).
Passing the Bar is not an automatic right to a US work visa.
Upon having a License to Practice NY's state law, you can simply apply and pay a fee to register as an Attorney member of that state for $200-500.
Important Dates:
(July - November beginners)
Phase 1:
November - March
Apply to Bar (always):
1 March - 31 March
Phase 2:
March - Bar Exam (July)